

What's been improved after ViViD?

This work is a proceeding work of the unpublished paper "ViViD : Vision for Visibility Dataset", best poster presentation of ICRA 2019 Workshop/Tutorial - Dataset Generation and Benchmarking of SLAM Algorithms for Robotics and VR/AR. After prior submission, the scale of experiment has been expanded to include driving sequences, with more details on dataset statistics and characteristics. Also, the models of event camera and LiDAR was changed to provide higher resolution.

There's a lot of excellent work that was introduced for SLAM Developments. For example, Awesome SLAM Datasets lists up State-Of-The-Art SLAM datasets. And you may also want to check Complex Urban Dataset containing large scale and long term changes.

Special thanks to

Sungho Yoon and Joowan Kim for contributions on the dataset configuration.


ViViD (Workshop)

title={ViViD: Vision for visibility dataset},
author={Lee, Alex Junho and Cho, Younggun and Yoon, Sungho and Shin, Youngsik and Kim, Ayoung},
booktitle = {IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Workshop: Dataset Generation and Benchmarking of SLAM Algorithms for Robotics and VR/AR },
year = {2019}

ViViD++ (RA-L)

  title={ViViD++: Vision for Visibility Dataset},
  author={Lee, Alex Junho and Cho, Younggun and Shin, Young-sik and Kim, Ayoung and Myung, Hyun},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},